So here we go again. I of course need to make my fanaticism evident and say I am a proud Chelsea/Yankees/Leafs fan. Not a lot else to say except I know their are haters out there from all angles but then again I dont cheer for your team whoever you are so we agree to disagree.
Seems to be the trend these days. Even if a guy likes a player from another team its impossible to like that team because they are not [i]your [/i]team. I am not of this type of fan. I love to see my team win. I dont hate any other team (although I dont like the way teams are run and certain players). I love sport and I love seeing great plays and the great affects sport has on lives. I am a sports fanatic.
What I dont get is the hatred and I mean that literally, that a fan has for another team? Did they get cut from that team back in 2003? Did they lose a bet that was guaranteed to happen from that team? Did they run that team and they fired him somehow? The answer is no. The answer is there is a created hatred for other teams in a world that really is fantasy and made up. What does that mean? A person chooses to like a team either by acclamation (living in that area) or by love of all things 'that team'. For instance I chose Chelsea after seeing A) their history B) their uniforms C) I didn't like Ronaldo's whiny attitude on the pitch and found out that Man U was the opposite of Chelsea; decision made.
I love hearing a fan say "I $#@!@ hate those guys" like they know them personally?! I often ask why they dont like them and the first words out of someones mouth is "I dont know". Come on, you dont know why you hate someone? Thats not a fan, thats something else in your psyche that should be looked at.
Sports fans are creative, energetic, passionate fans that should be educated, informed and have arguments to share about why they love/hate someone. A true sports fan knows when the team was created, knows their victories, knows their stats and their future. They know the ups and downs and have celebrated their successes and shunned their loses. Sports is the best reality tv ever and nothing will ever change that. One thing that should change is when I ask someone why they hate someone, they should have a better answer then "I don't know".
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